"Manager's Corner - from Scott Jones, CEO
Part of our Fidelity culture is that we encourage our teammates to give back to their communities as often as they can. One of those events that a number of us at Fidelity have volunteered for is Hoopfest, the largest 3 on 3 basketball tournament in the world, held the last weekend in June in Spokane. Yes, the largest in the world! Ben Lyman and I are on the Site team, which consists of over 200 people that build the 40 block site on the streets of downtown Spokane on Friday night. Forklift drivers drop the basket structures with the Court Sponsor's name on the backboard in the exact spot on the map. Our crews put the pads around the structure and set up a table, chair, and trash can at each court for the weekend use of the court monitor. Other volunteers are laying down the tape on the street that surrounds the basket with the out of bounds and free throw lines. It is pretty amazing how working together we can 'build' 458 basketball courts in about 4 hours on Friday night. By 8 AM Saturday morning the 7046 teams and 27,876 players have started to arrive downtown to play over 14,000 games of basketball, watched by over 250,000 spectators over two days on the 458 courts that we had set up on Friday night. Craig Jones, Tom Schweifler, and Chris Carothers are three of the over 90 court marshals who supervise the over 600 court monitors who make sure the games are starting on time and the players are following the rules. Craig, Tom, and Chris are busy all weekend making sure things are running as smoothly as possible. Patti MacDougall manages a group of volunteers who get water and food to the court monitors."