Friday, December 18, 2009


Dylan and Brady playing together at Aunt Becky's during Thanksgiving. Dylan is 6 months older than Brady, and they had lots of fun playing together.

It speaks for itself

You know you're addicted when....:

You have to have your Dr. Pepper in the shower with you.
Johnathan Derrick is the "addicted" subject. He asked his mom to bring him his already opened Dr.Pepper to him in the shower. I just had to capture this moment that I died laughing.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

so we went and helped rake leaves last saturday morning at the temple, i froze my arizona ace off!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Out of the Loop

So last night I got a text from Chris that says "How are you...? Have you heard about Carson, Colton, and Cameron?" and I would add "Mekelle?".
So I skipped the reply text and just called him cause I knew there had to be some long explanation.
Man, I have sure been in my own world and out of the loop lately. So...Colton just had his appendix taken out; Carson just ran a marathon and Cameron and his wife Maggie are Preggie again. And Mekelle broke up with Matthew and he moved out and now she wants to move to Idaho?
Sheesh. Quite the news about everyone in one lump sum. I don't think I could handle it. I think because of the internet I communicate less with my family. Blasted facebook and blogs. Although they are great tools, if I get some sort of status update about my family I feel like I know what's going on and I don't need to call. But family, I'm sorry, but I do need to call more often. Sorry we haven't kept in better touch.

Congrats Carson, you are a stud, I can't believe you ran a marathon- I didn't even know you were training or thinking about that.
Colton, man I'm sorry you've not been feeling well, but I'm glad you're alive. I hope you have a good recovery and get back in shape for school. I love you and I'm gonna call you today.

love Hermana Megan

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sometimes crappy projects are worth it.

I'm on vacation this week (Aug 24-28). Got some projects I want to try to accomplish. One of them is the downstairs bathroom plumbing. I have procrastinated this one for over a year. So I decide to go get all the parts to do the job. I have to dig out more dirt on the outside of the basement wall where the plumbing is and discover that the septic pipe is broken. What??? Even though this is a "crappy job" (literally) it has to be done and I'm actually glad I was able to discover the break. Who knows how long the sewage had been leaking out into the ground. The pipe is about 4' down in the ground and had I not had the other leak (that was the plumbing problem in the first place) I would never have known our septic pipe line was broken. We have been without water and toilets since 5pm today (Monday 8/24). Hoping I can get it all put back together tomorrow.

Thanks to Ben who helped me do some of the digging. It helped me out a lot. Too bad he couldn't shower before going to FHE . lol.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dylans First Birthday!

We celebrated Dylan's first birthday at our family reunion on the Oregon coast. He just started walking about a month ago. He is a great eater and loves food and loved his birthday cake! At his first birthday party we invited the "nieghbor campers" and played Duck-Duck-Goose and had an Elmo Pinyata! He got some new clothes, a pool, and stuffed animals and had lots of fun! Happy First Birthday Dylan July 25, 2009!

race up the sand dune

Phillip, Robert, and our cousin Lonie raced up the sand dune on the Oregon coast near Pacific City at our family reunion. Robert clearly won, but Phil did the best dance (wink):). We had so much fun!

Carson Quoted in "Pocatello Parents Prepare Just In Case Their Children Go Missing" - KIFI - Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Jackson WY - Weather News Sports-

Pocatello Parents Prepare Just In Case Their Children Go Missing - KIFI - Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Jackson WY - Weather News Sports-

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Skimboarding at the Family Reunion

This was at our family reunion near Tillamook Oregon July 24, 2009. I learned how to "skim b0ard" on the beach. It was a blast!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hiking with a baby

So every time someone invites us to do something, my automatic response is "What will we do with Brady?" I'm always worried he will get hungry or tired or cranky and I won't be able to properly meet his needs, for example on a hike right before his bedtime. But we went hiking anyway. Robert carried him in his carrier and while hiking fed him a bottle. It wasn't ideal, but it worked and Brady was happy the whole time. It was a blast and a great hike! It is so nice to be getting out and enjoying our summer even with Brady.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Welcome family and friends! Ok so this is our new blog, its still in the works so let me know if you have any input and I'll make some changes. The URL is So have fun, make posts often and keep us all updated. Feel free to post pictures, jokes (keep em clean), stories, questions, thoughts, etc. And as Chris said on facebook, lets keep it positive and kind, no jokes about anyone. The point is to keep everyone updated on each of our lives. Yeah! I'm so excited about this and I hope you are too. I can't wait to see your posts.
Love Hermana Megan