Monday, December 27, 2010

Year Review 2010

We've had a good year! Here are some pics from the year 2010. One of the most recent events which is unfortunately not pictured is Phillip and Lydia's wedding!! They got married in the Rexburg Temple on December 18, 2010 and went to Mazatlan, Mexico on their honeymoon. They had their second reception here in Spokane after their honeymoon which was amazingly planned by Marilyn!! It was a Peaceful Winter Forest theme with lots of TREES in the cultural hall of the church making it a beautiful indoor FOREST! Phillip and Lydia are very happy and had a beautiful temple sealing. We all made it home alive after traveling in all the snowstorms over the holidays. Phew! Enjoy these few pics:
Brady and Dylan play so well together. (Megan and Brady's visit to Spokane for Phil's reception.)
Liam and Alice bustin a move with their new pajama pants Grama made (Christmas Day 2010).

Dylan Christmas morning with his new Monster truck!

Corn patch from out 2010 garden

2 new raised bed gardens

Glen Squires taking Dylan for a ride

Chris and Kevin Flosom loading up Compost to take to the Spokane temple for landscaping.

Derek Vasquez and Austin Folsom helping unload the compost at the Spokane Temple.

Dylan Sledding in our yard.

Happy New Year!!!